AMA Recap: Retreeb X CryptoBlade

The Crypto Blade
8 min readSep 8, 2021


Host: First of all please introduce yourself, for how long you’ve been building & planning “Retreeb”?

Say “Done” when you complete your answer thanks.

Jeremi Lti: Yes ofc, I’m a co-founder and the CEO of retreeb.I lead the company, the sherpa, and the ethical awareness of the project. 😌And of course, build the best team around me with people much more intelligent and talented than me 😉DONE

So, I like to begin an AMA with a question. Did you know that there will be 1093 bn digital transactions in 2023?

All the players want a piece of the cake 🍰 to make more money but nobody wants to change the recipe to put this flow at the service of the major issues of our time. Except for retreeb in this payment game.

Host: Our Community will love to know more about your team, How big is the team right now?

Jeremi Lti: So we have opened the Paris office this summer with some friends as you see. We just recruited 4 news dev and a regulatory specialist. We are actually more than 20 people operational on this project, in Paris, Genève, Milan, Lyon, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi, and we works hard for 2 years to make it possible. there is also an amazing board team around us to open the door and help us.

Host: Retreeb is registered in Switzerland, I thought the team is from Switzerland. It’s a good idea to have a talented team from different countries.

Jeremi Lti: Right retreeb is registered in Switzerland (Geneva), but co-founder from Paris 😉. For 3 reasons: The Swiss regulator is more open to the token economy, We want to inoculate the virus of sharing in finance and Geneva is one of the world’s financial hubs!

and finally, in a geopolitically complex world, the Swiss passport is a guarantee of access to all markets. Done

Host: Excited to know more about Retreeb. Can you please explain the main concept behind Retreeb”?

Jeremi Lti: ofc retreeb is the bridge between the crypto and the mass market. It is the mass market solution for sustainable finance that all citizens are waiting for. With retreeb we create the missing link in a chain of consumption that wants to be more and more sustainable. Retreeb is not just a payment system, it’s a new model of value redistribution ! With Retreeb we reinvent the payment to build a more sustainable world. Retreeb is inspiring of value as solidarity, ethics, and transparency. It s will be the first financial institution that decides to link its business performance with its social contribution. We redistribute 33% of our revenues to fund social and environmental projects. 💪 Imagine a world where each digital payment transaction would contribute to support great causes or local projects for bio-diversity or fight against inequalities. That the promise of retreeb: a company which makes money but good money.

Host: That would be great. I can see the world is changing, What are the key features that Retreeb will offer to its users?

Jeremi Lti: Ok. Understand that: Unlike Stripe and Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, and Amex do not charge the merchant directly, the banks do. We are promoting a new model that disintermediates the banks by tokenizing the transaction from the consumer to the merchant. You know, I’ve been watching Defi emerge for 3 years and the payment industry for as many years and there is nothing like retreeb. Our business model and governance rules are unique. However, I hope that retreeb will set an example and lead the way. We need more projects that address the following triple equation:

#1 responding to a market need

#2 respond to a need for profitability

#3 respond to social and environmental issues

Without a viable ecosystem, there will be no market very quickly. We build it on fantom and a multi-local stablecoin asset.

Host: Great, let’s move to our last question from the first segment. Can you please tell us about “Stable Treeb, Do we need to convert “Treeb” tokens to fiat currency for buying goods and services or we are able to pay with Treeb tokens for buying goods & services?

Jeremi Lti: Yes ofc 😉 With the Stable Treeb or (s)Treeb, we provide the transaction and apply our fees to the merchant. The transaction is free for the user and the fees are only supported by the merchant. And these fees include Fantom gas (I told you we build it on fantom 😎). The bank no longer charges for the payment, but we do pay the merchant in FIAT by bank transfer after 72 hours of all transactions. Except that the transfer is almost free ! It’s a bit like running a light chain over the SEPA or Swift transfer protocol. We are changing the recipe of a rentier industry that applies disproportionate fees without contributing to environmental or social issues. And you understand, it’s free for consumers, but they can select the CSR project that we fund directly in their wallet….

Segment 2:

Host: Awesome, The transaction is free for users, This is something special as I can see different payment gateways charge both sides, consumer and merchant.

Jeremi Lti: Yes it’s a strategy made possible thanks to Fantom

Host: What is the most ambitious goal of your project? What is the ultimate vision that Your project is trying to achieve within the cryptocurrencies market? I would appreciate it if you could share with us any Upcoming Updates?

Jeremi Lti: With retreeb I have 2 main ambitions.

1st — Payment is the primary act of our relationship to the economy.

It concerns the poor and the rich.

I want this gesture which is at the root of financial flows to become a responsible and sustainable act.

Not bullshit as the mainstream industry sells it to us. I want us to harness the flow of money to fund our social issues. And retreeb is a solution.

2nd I want the crypto to become invisible to my parents. I want it to be integrated, adapted to the uses of the greatest number.

Retreeb is a bridge between the crypto world and mainstream payment.

Everybody wants fast internet on their phone and 4G or 5G, nobody wants to understand how it works. It’s the same with blockchain. We are developing a mass market solution.

Host: Perfect!

A similar question about Retreeb goal. Can you please provide some progress on your Roadmap and what results in Retreeb has achieved so far?

Jeremi Lti: So I prefer to be agile rather than strategic. It’s good to have a roadmap ofc but it’s not enough.

But we have recruited, our IEO is in progress, we will soon be listing on a CEX and a DEX, we will soon be launching our staking program in the next few weeks and we are making good progress on the product and regulatory side.

It’s a lot of work you know, so you see when I see projects that are 3 weeks old, no reregister address, and just a PowerPoint presentation…

Just try to create a company in Geneva. You must deposit 100K of capital …

Host: let’s move to our 3rd question. What are the key features of using Retreeb wallet in a mobile applications?

Jeremi Lti: Simple, user-friendly, and free for users. All the features of the best neobanks. I am proud to say that we are inspired by the best.

I can disclose the new design for example …

Host: It’s just Awesome 😊

I have gone through website and I found that you are going to offer payment card for Retreeb wallets, Which technologies will be incorporated into Retreeb payment card?

Jeremi Lti: Oh exact! It’s in the pipe.

We work on it with Gemalto. Big french and worldwide company in Payment.

We want onboard biometrics technologies for the total security of transactions.

But like every hardware program, it’s a hard project. 💪‍‍ It’s no for the first step of go to market.

Host: Let’s move to the last question. Nearly 80% of investors only focus on short-term token prices instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us the motivations and benefits for investors to hold your tokens in the long term?

Jeremi Lti: I like this one and I hope our own community listens to my answer.

First, this is, unfortunately, true, and I would add that he doesn’t know enough about the projects.

But let me tell you a story.

I come from the same town as Jordan Gustav one of the co-founders of AAVE and his father is a good friend of mine. Everybody here knows AAVE…

I invested in LEND in the early stage when it was only worth a few cents and I could say the same with eGLD when my friend PowerHasheur told me about this project …

So he who is short term vision gets short profits.

Unless if he has an algo but the algo comes back after 😅


Host: Really, I enjoyed this session. Thanks for friendly communication

Jeremi Lti: Me too, it was a shared pleasure 🙏

I just want to say that the last round of the IEO on probit will start on 09/09 stay tuned on retreeb tg or Twitter @retreeb_io …

Segment 3:

Participant: How has the experience and background of your team been effective in the success of your project so far?

Jeremi Lti: We don’t recruit people to tell them what to do but to show us how to do it. The experience of each person is essential in this project. We have seniors and juniors and each one learns from the other. We are on technical and legal subjects but we have built a very strong team.

Participant: The current NFT boom in the market has created a real gateway to decentralized finance that is esoteric and somewhat closed. How does #retreeb_io NFT create a bridge and provide its own NFT sales market?

Jeremi Lti: The NFT market is not a market for us. We are neither artists nor digital art dealers. I’m not saying that there will never be a connection with NFTs because we could fund some beautiful charitable works with them. But that is not our priority.

Participant: Do you have Whitepaper if yes please share it with us and secondly do you have plans for pre-sale? Where can we join it?

Jeremi Lti: Ofc ! everything is at the end of the finger and some characters on google: the public sale of token began but there will remain around from Thursday on probit

Participant: hello ♥️sir♥️♥️✅✅

What is the tokenomics of your project?

& How can I buy your token?

Jeremi Lti: Easy on medium just here:

Participant: Sir, you know that there’re 3 basic issues prevalent in crypto & blockchain:

#Security, #Interoperability, & #Scalability.

So, how does Your Project plan to overcome these issues & how you keep users' assets safe & secure?

Jeremi Lti: Absolutely. And well by starting to rely on one of the best blockchain infrastructures for its velocity, its security, and its scalability: fantom.

Thank you.



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