AMA Recap: The Crypto Blade x Codyfight

The Crypto Blade
8 min readJan 15, 2022


Host: Hello Linas Balsys

Welcome to The Crypto Blade Community

Linas Balsys: Hello! It’s a pleasure to be here!

Host: Let’s start the AMA session, Are you ready?

Linas Balsys: Yes!

First Segment: Introduction:

Host: First of all Please introduce yourself to our community

Linas Balsys: Our CEO and CTO are founders of the game and also top-notch developers who started thinking about creating something like Codyfight years ago when they noticed a lack of opportunities for tech-savvy people to earn money while utilizing their skills in a fun way.

I myself am Linas Balsys, a marketing manager. I would call myself an amateur gamer and senior problem solver 😅

I must also mention that we gathered very motivated and skilled developers, artists to make the game amazing for all aspects and have a strong backup of partners and advisors

Host: 1: Can you briefly tell us what your mission is all about? and what problems are you trying to solve?

Linas Balsys: We believe that AI does not have to be a human servant, it can also play an important social role, so we vision to empower AI interplay and competition with humans. Even though it is a coding game anyone can be a part of the Codyfight community and earn crypto rewards for it. It includes AI and humans playing in balance, artists earning passive income, community leaders organizing tournaments, the community always waiting for the biggest events such as world championships. The most unique mechanism of Codyfight is a combination of AI vs. Human competition where both can play in balance, while the most exclusive benefit is an opportunity to scale robot farms and own multiple robots which all can play at the same time in different matches with AI code taking care of it without the need to sit and play yourself 😎

Host: 2: How many members are working atm on Codyfight, and what previous experiences do they have?

Linas Balsys: Ah yes we have a wonderful team!

Behind this project, we have a talented team who love the games! Founders started this project almost 2 years ago as a side hustle, so we spent lots of time actually building the game. Codyfight grew drastically in the few past months. Now we have a team of 8+ professionals with experience in software engineering, gaming, arts, marketing, blockchain. On top of that, we are backed by DeRace project, they are close partners & advisors. …

Host: 3: Can you tell us about the $CTOK token? How it works and its uses on the platform?

Linas Balsys: The most important utility — is the internal game currency used to ignite Codyfight ecosystem: in-game purchases contain competitive game entree fees (CTickets) and NFT skins; rewards for players are granted from the arena, tournaments, challenges; passive income for artists flow from skins sales and for developers from source code providing; the will be always lots of in-game player incentives; players will be staking tokens to provide liquidity and earn rewards for it; metagame direction will be driven by player votes (DAO). When it comes to token holding for a long time, one of the easiest and the most useful benefits will be NFT skins because of how valuable they are. Nevertheless, we’re going to develop strategies associated with valuable in-game items to promote players to hold the token.

Host: 4: let's talk about the Gameplay. how will the game look like? How does it work?

Linas Balsys: Codyfight is a multiplayer one-on-one AI coding web-based game. It is a turn-based strategy that can be compared to a chess game for programmers. The entity a user controls in the game is a battle-ready robot. AI or human-controlled robots navigate over a two-dimensional dynamic-size rectangle tilemap. One match is played in 10 rounds and each round has up to 25 moves for each player. Each turn player can perform one action of choice: go right, left, up, down, or stay. Simple controls make the game easy to enter, but they do not make the final movement decision nor strategy any simpler! Players have to constantly learn and understand new map tiles and behaviors in Special Agents to be able to win matches.

Host: 5: Can Codyfight talk about some outstanding features that can make your project stand out and give it a competitive edge among competitors who are constantly making new updates and offering new products?

Linas Balsys: Here it goes! Codyfight’s goal is to introduce a brand new world of expression opportunities. This means different people can join in including gamers, developers, artists, collectors, investors, and community leaders. This is something that similar games do not offer.😎

Some of our game’s features:

- own bots made from NFT skins and CKeys

- trade NFTs through built-in marketplace as well as outside the game

- use those robots in the game arena

- code bots to automate robot playing in arena (it’s cheating in other games)

- scale robot farms to maximize rewards (think about other games like 9–5 job, and Codyfight like business scaling for players)

- draw and sell skins in the community skin shop — passive income for artists

- organize official tournament for the community with custom games rules with profits for organizers and participants|winners

2nd Segment: Questions from Twitter Announcement:

6: How will Codyfight value its community? And, what are the ways that Codyfight can build a strong and supportive community for its forever success? And, how many communities does Codyfight currently have for its non-English users?

Question by itzabhi69

Linas Balsys: Here at Codyfight we feel really community-orientated. Of course, we are working hard with corners of the world that are known to have a huge pool of coders and other interested parties. We have a strong pool of key opinion leaders who aid us in communicating with our community, also we are working on having TG groups for different regions so that people could easily interact and communicate in their own native language.

Here you can find our current communities:



Regarding involving the community, further gameplay features will be confirmed or rejected by the community. Token holders will be given the possibility to participate in voting for upcoming game features. The Codyfight Token allocation size may impact the voting power of the holder. By following this direction, Codyfight will become more popular and more balanced for players, especially considering that not many game development companies today listen to their users’ complaints about problems or balance flaws in the actual game.

7: Collaborations and partnerships are some of the most important cornerstones to help improve adoption. Can you tell us about your current partners, plans for partnerships and what everybody stands to gain from these partnership??

Question by Jkl43214

Linas Balsys: We are beyond excited to have all the partners and advisors that we have! They not only let us grow our community but also give us a lot of opportunities to learn. Here are some of our backers: Evangelion Capital is helping us with anything marketing-related, DAO Maker is the launchpad that creates growth technologies and funding frameworks for loads of amazing projects, including Codyfight. We also have Digital Strategies, Wings Ventures, Raptor Capital, Alphacoin Fund, Dweb3, Basics, EM3 DAO and many others onboard.

And a couple of highlights form the gaming industry: we are also backed by such gaming industry projects like DeRace, Polychain Monsters, and many more, also talking about future plans with Moonies and Realm so keep a close eye on us, we are soon announcing a lot of exciting news!

8: How will you ensure that Codyfight is the largest and most powerful P2E data platform? What are your plans for achieving this massive goal? And, aside from long-term goals, what are your current short-term objectives?

Question by Mason53326699

Linas Balsys:

3rd Segment: Live Questions from Participants

Q1: I saw Codyfight have a SKIN ART CONTEST. can an artist create a skin and use and they and a coder can provide code to improve the game?

How do you ensure that a specially designed NFT skin won’t flood the market?

Question by Ariel788

Linas Balsys: The skins submitted will be judged by our team and we will feature the top 3 skins in the first ever NFT Skin Shop collection where the skins sold will have the revenue go to the artists as an extra reward!

The quantity of the skins will be moderated by our team so that the market isn’t flooded and the skins hold their value 👌

Q2: can you tell me, how can they get passive income without having to play games? especially for users who are not gamers, but want to be a part of the project?

Question by Chollien_Detisya

Linas Balsys: Great question! If you do not have the time to play yourself you can always either program your own robot to fight your battles for you or buy a robot from the community marketplace where programmers sell their own made robots to the community! Basically, you will be able to let the robot farm do the work for you while you sleep/work.

Q3: Question me!!

So how long did it take to develop this project? What plans do you have for the future? And what can we expect? If possible could you please share the road map with us?

Question by Chollien_Detisya

Linas Balsys: Linas #Codyfight, [07-Jan-2022 at 17:43:05]:

The project has been in development for around 2 years now! The Devs pushed the idea through really hard the last several months and the project grew drastically! We can’t wait to share more news about the gameplay itself and for the community to test out the Alpha version of the game!


Blackchain-powered P2E AI vs. Human competition metaverse





Q1 2022

IDO: Codyfight Token launch

MVP launch: Alpha version release

Q3 2022

Public launch: Beta version release

Q4 2022

Community tournaments

Preparing for the first AI vs. human world cup!

New game modes

Follow us for updates on telegram or Twitter

Q4: Too many projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue, Within a short/long time of release. Is your project also like this? If not can u tell us, What makes your project different from other projects?

Can you share your social media links so we can keep ourselves updated?

Question by Professor889

Linas Balsys: Codyfight’s goal is to introduce a brand new world of expression opportunities. This means different people can join in including gamers, developers, artists, collectors, investors, and community leaders. This is something that similar games do not offer. Our project is unique, the only one such in the blockchain universe as we offer AI-powered play to earn metaverse. We’ve been working on this project for 18 months now, and have a very strong, passionate team, partners, and backers. Nevertheless, we will continuously be introducing new challenges, initiatives, in the competition system designed to be community-driven

Q5: Linas, How do users participate in #Codyfight? I think this is the most important.

Question by Zekksama disqualified

Linas Balsys: Oh there are lots of ways to participate! Gamers can enjoy the experience that the game itself brings, artists can showcase their skills by submitting skins and profiting from their revenue, programmers can code robots to make robot farms or sell them to others in the community marketplace, community leaders will be able to host Tournaments with prizes for the participants! In other words, the participation will only be limited by the imagination 😎

Host: Thank you so much @Gilmore_gooffor the very detailed answers!



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