AMA Recap: The Crypto Blade x Cypherpunk
Welcome to The Crypto Blade Community
Anna: Thank you! It’s a pleasure to be here
Host: Before we start the AMA session please introduce yourself
Anna: Hey guys, I’m Anna, co-founder of Cypherpunk NFT project. We are a community of NFT enthusiasts who love the cypherpunk movement and want to remind everyone about the history of this movement!
Host: Let’s start the AMA session, Are you ready?
Anna: Yes
First Segment: Introduction:
Host: 1. Tell me, are you planning to release collections in the future?
Please write “done” once you complete your answer!
Anna: Yes! We are planning to release a third collection (today is the release of the second btw). We want to recruit a sufficient number of users for our game, that’s why we are releasing the 3rd one soon. The third collection is planned to be the largest and most accessible. Of course, there will be a couple of advantages depending on the collection!
We think that we can expand the possibility of connecting users of other NFT projects to the game, but with the functionality of the game’s basic mechanics and the economic component.
Host: 2. How long will OpenSale last and what is the current cost of NFT on it?
Anna: We plan to complete the open sale as soon as all 3000 NFTs will be minted. If not, then we will finish our open sale before New Year, on December 31. So hurry up to purchase
Host: 3: Are you making a game? At what stage are you developing it?
Anna: Yes, we are currently developing our own game. Now we have a certain build. We have already made a promo video for the game and built up some of the parts of the game. Today we announced the teaser of the Cypherpunk game, you can see it on our Twitter
Host: 4: Where does this cool NFT style come from? Why did you choose this topic?
Anna: Well as I said earlier, we are creating a historical NFT collection based on the people involved in the cypherpunk movement. Speaking about the mask idea, we decided to use the idea of the mask inspired by WIRED Crypto-rebels as the main styling decision, and, again, as a reference to one of the first significant materials in the field
This is WIRED cover I’m talking about.
So each of our NFT from the first collection is a unique person with his own history and visual reference. You can try to guess which famous person is hiding behind the mask. He can be Assange or Finney, or someone else:)
Host: 5: Will there be an additional discount if I buy 20 NFT at once?
Anna: Unfortunately, we do not provide any discounts because our aim is to make many unique users for the game!
But you would make us happy if you buy 20 NFTs :))
Host: 6: Will the collection be hosted on OpenSea?
Anna: Of course! Now there’s our first original collection
The second one will appear as soon as the sales will close, so it’s probably before or on December 31.
2nd Segment: Questions from the Twitter announcement:
7. First of all, getting enough funds is a primary goal for the construction of a project, is your team economically capable of running this project? Do you have enough funding to develop it? Can you tell us how the profit is generated?
Question by EmanFat79460373
Anna: Well, to be honest, we are just warming up and starting the work:) We plan to release three collections as a whole, and this is just the first step in the project’s development…
Of course, a lot depends on the success of the first stage. Now the development of the game has already started as you saw. But for a global launch, as everyone understands, you need to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of resources.
We really hope that NFT enthusiasts will love our collection. This will give us the power to show even greater things…
8: The NFT creation engines that are currently on the market are very good but some of them have compatibility problems for multiple blockchains, does #Cypher_PunkNFT’s NFT creation engine support multiple blockchains or is it only compatible with a specific one?
Question by AamirJamil74
Anna: Good question! My answer will be short here. Right now our project is on ETH, but in the future, we will consider taking another blockchain for the game.
9: Currently, most projects and platforms are in English. How will you reach non-English local communities? Do you have any plan for them to better understand your project?
Question by Miraakter11
Anna: It’s a really important thing that should be developed. We plan to reach as many communities as it is possible. In the first stage, we have made out website multilingual. In the future, when our community grows up more before the game release, we plan to launch chats and channels in the most popular languages
Now we have around 4–5 languages supported
3rd Segment: Community round
Q1: Question about the team. You have a Russian name/surname, Cypherpunk’s channels in discord, and telegram have some Russian-speaking admins. Where are from other co-founders? CIS or the team of the project is mixed?
Question by xsakkadax
Anna: Most of the members of our team are from Eastern Europe. Some of them are not Russian speakers
Q2: I love this project is placing importance on the community aspect. It’s something that I think is lacking in a lot of projects. How can us early investors really help a project grow before it launches? From providing liquidity to general participation, what different roles are there when it goes live?
Question by noname111444
Anna: Thanks! The early investors can really contribute to the project’s development by taking part in the game, technology enhancement! Moreover, they can get our NFTs to help us raise funds
Q3: Are there any plans to create a token project in the future? not only develop NFT projects!
Question by Cabemasam
Anna: Yes! We will launch two financial indexes in 2022–2023. The first one is USDR and the second one is CEX to DEX index.
You can read more in our Medium:
Q4: How do I participate in the pre-sale of the NFT collection, are there any special requirements?
and I see having two new financial indexes what are they?
Question by Sylololy
Anna: Pre-sale is over, today is the start of the open sale for the second collection! You can start purchasing through our website
Q5: Truly, you’ve done AMA in many telegram groups, so what next, what other way will you make your project more popular?
Question by Suhirin09
Anna: Using the funds raised, we will strengthen the marketing campaign of the game and two financial indices, teach the project with new specialists!
This was a hard pick!
Host: I would recommend to our community please join Cypherpunk social media channels for more updates