AMA Recap: The Crypto Blade x EarthByt
Host: Hello Dan Bramley
Welcome to The Crypto Blade Community
Dan Bramley: Thank you excited to be here
Host: Let’s start the AMA session, Are you ready?
Dan Bramley: Yes, I am ready!
First Segment: Introduction:
Host: 1: First of all please introduce yourself, Your background and share an interesting story of how you got into crypto?
Please write “done” once you complete your answer!
Dan Bramley: Hi everyone my name is Dan. I am based in the UK but have spent many years in the US as well.
I have spent several years working on climate solutions and being an avid supporter of crypto, but also have experience in fintech and financial services industry, and have an environmental degree with a focus on groundwater pollution.
For years I have sought to bridge together the power of blockchain, tokenisation, fintech, charity, and environmental restoration. I began the mission by looking at delivering an honest transparent environmental charity token that would utilize music festivals and entertainment to spread awareness and raise funds for restoration. Kind of like a live aid or farm aid from the 80s.
I saw the transparent nature of crypto as a way to encourage donors to give knowing they would be able to track their donations.
Host: 2: Briefly enrich our audience about the main concept behind “EarthByt” How long you’ve been building this?
Dan Bramley: Well I began planning the charity restoration concept with a token for the festivals back in 2016. Then in 2017 I started working on biocarbon solutions and started working in co2 reduction summit and biofuels, renewable energy area. This moved me into the idea of tokenising carbon and methane emissions and crypto commodities. As I continued work I left the c level events sector with the pandemic and was working in fintech. I then started designing and coding earthbyt around April 2021
My mission is to help create prosperity for our holders and at the same time serve a greater purpose for the planet and future generations.
I believe crypto can help provide true transparency for philanthropy, and will help to redefine the global financial sector and all industries as we move into the future. Therefore I want to do my part in creating a model that serves the sustainability goals needed to preserve the planet but at the same time gives holders the same lucrative opportunities that investment banks and venture capital is going for with Esg investments.
The main concept is that we can use tokenomics to reward holders, build liquidity, and still serve a greater purpose. Delivering a net-zero currency and nft marketplace.
Host: 3: Please introduce the $eByt token economic system, and what are the utilities of your token?
Dan Bramley: EarthByt is created as deflationary model bep20 on the Binance Smart Chain. We have a capped supply and a burn function to ensure the token has a decreasing supply over time.
We have added a 10% transaction fee on buy and sell to help reward existing holders, boost liquidity, burn, offset our footprint with a carbon wallet allocation, and support marketing and development.
On each transaction
3% gets distributed to holders
2% goes to liquidity with a bnb reflection
1% is burned
2% is allocated to the carbon wallet to purchase carbon credit offsets and fund soil restoration efforts around the globe
2% goes to marketing and development to keep the project moving forward.
The key for our project is the transparency of the carbon wallet and our involvement of the community in voting on where the charity awards will go.
As soil degradation is an issue that threatens our food, water, and human existence we want to involve the entire community and encourage them to be active in maximising our impact.
The second area of opportunity comes from the nft marketplace.
we will be opening a net zero nft marketplace for our holders, this will use an offset mechanism to cover the footprint of transactions.
Users will be able to upload, mint, sell, auction, collect and manage their nfts. We will also look to utilise art and music nfts to raise additional funds for our charity purpose and the community with our own signature collections and releases.
Nfts are a growing trend and pose exciting opportunities for the world in using as certified digital assets, but as each nft can be anywhere from 20kg of CO2 to 48 kg of co2 we aim to mitigate the damage to the environment from this latest evolution of crypto.
Holders will not only be able to sell their own assets but we will airdrop nfts to our community as promotions and celebrations of milestones.
Ultimately EarthByt is designed to give holders the benefits and tokenomics they enjoy in meme coins, but the clear purpose and longevity of a project with a defined mission.
Future revenue.
we have big plans for DAO staking and yield farming in the future as well as evolving and adding new features that will aid the project and community with dapps and games.
We have identified many opportunities to stake or establish yield farming opportunities in the clean tech, ad tech, renewable energy, agroforestry and sustainability sectors. Just as the entire investment banking and finance sector is moving toward sustainability and esg. We want to provide those same opportunities to our community to be a conscious investor, but also take advantage of the fastest growing sectors over the next 20 yrs. We hope to inspire many ways for the global community to work together on the climate mission.
Host: 4: Please tell us more about NFT characters, how many NFTs have been minted already, and what are your future plans regarding NFT utilities?
Dan Bramley: The nft market will be opening later this year for our holders. Our own NFT collections will be based on our Mascot characters and we will have 3d printable designs for people to print and paint themselves.
We will have contests for best designs and issue nfts from the winners.
We will also be releasing endangered species collections that will benefit habitat restoration and conservation efforts.
The nfts will also utilise an offset mechanism to reduce footprint as mentioned.
In addition we look to use nfts as certificates for carbon removal and tie to the GPS locations of the restoration. We see the nft utility as continuing to grow and will look to encourage all forms of expression and digital assets. Art, contracts, ip
Host: 5: What advantages do you believe you have over other competitors?
Dan Bramley: First and foremost we believe our token will bring value with a massive opportunity for a rise in price both short and long term. Rewarding tokenomics for holders to have their token count grow, nft art and gaming opportunities, and staking and yield farming in cleantech, agtech, renewables, bio fuels, sustainable ag, and agroforestry in the future.
Our key benefits are a low footprint, rewarding tokenomics, long-term plan, solid passionate team. Kyc, audited, and doxxed.
We are combining the most rewarding sectors and the world's most pressing issue into our project. However, we are doing so at no loss of rewards to investors. We aim to make saving the planet profitable and give our community the power to lead that change.
Our advantages over competitors lies in the years of planning, networking, and experience that will allow us to offer lucrative partnerships both in the charities and for-profit ventures.
Many carbon and earth-friendly projects are focused on tree planting and other emission reduction methods. However, the soil carbon design of our product has the greatest opportunity for scaling due to the millions of hectares lost to degradation. The opportunity to terraform the planet is a multi-trillion dollar opportunity. Furthermore, our future development plans for asset backed crypto commodity markets and staking in sustainable economy gives us unlimited growth potential.
95% of worlds food comes from soil and it is the front lines of climate change. That is where the battle will be won or lost.
We also feel our voting system and community involvement in the allocation of tokens is an advantage.
2nd Segment: Questions from Twitter Announcement:
6: Can you mention the future plans for ‘EarthByt and share with us the roadmap for the coming quarters..?
Question by yousufpul
Dan Bramley: Our first step is to achieve our presale goals and launch on pancake swap.
We believe our primary responsibility on this mission is to establish a strong community and build trust. Key to this is delivering on our road map.
The first stage will involve building the charity project network and project wallets along with the voting system. This will allow holders to vote on the allocation of awards from the carbon wallet.
At the same time we are already in the development of the nft marketplace and nft collections we will release on opening.
The year will end with the voting and awards to the selected charities and the carbon footprint report and purchase of the carbon credits to cover the footprint. Once we have delivered on these steps and developed trust of the community we look to head to the next phase.
7: Are there any special benefits or advantages available for long-term holders of $EBYT? Why should I hold?
Question by evgenia43
Dan Bramley: Great question. We have designed project to have many advantages long term. The tokenomics rewards holders with a distribution from every transaction so token count grows. Also as our mission is one that will be decades to achieve there is no risk of our project losing its importance like those built on hype name or meme concept.
We will be offering staking and yield farming opportunities in multi million dollar bio carbon plants, green hydrogen, agroforestry and sustainable ag ventures that will allow for holders to get returns from business profits and carbon credit revenue.
Carbon prices will continue to rise over the next several years meaning greater profit opportunity. We also will look to add other revenue opportunities for the community.
The strength of our mission and the design on working with major global charities and the top sustainable companies and innovators will attract attention and support and help boost token value.
8: What are the security measures that have been made so far to make the platform secure from hackers as the hackers are nowadays getting stronger to steal the data of the investors?
Question by Nazmul1612
Dan Bramley: We audited our contract both pre and post deployment and have a team capable of testing for security flaws and running common attacks for vulnerabilities. We will also look to work with top security companies once launched to continue to monitor and stay up to date on any threats. We are looking at certiks AI monitoring as added layer of protection in future as well.
3rd Segment: Live Questions from Participants
Q1: Can you explain how is your Tokenomics Distribution? How many tokens Will be minted? And How many tokens Will be locked by the team?
Question by ranaboy86
Dan Bramley: There are 100 trillion tokens as total supply.
We have set aside 2% for the initial carbon wallet for the charity awards for next 2 years. After which the transaction fee allocation will support the annual awards
We are using about 48% for presale and 85% of those around 39% for liquidity on pancakeswap
We are also allocating 2 % for the marketing for first 2 years for airdrops and promotions and development.
We have vested 9% of tokens over 10 yrs. 5% are for the team and to bring in best talent around world as we grow. We also have allocations for the development of the staking system.
The remainder is to support additional marketing needs. Or additional listing.
Q2: How can users stay updated with this project? Are there channels, including local communities where users can get the latest updates?
Question by so1luona
Dan Bramley: Website
Telegram groups
Contract address
Q3: Are you afraid someday there will be another project with more innovative technology that can replace your project?
Question by trieumsdi
Dan Bramley: Innovation is part of the world we live in. I would welcome other projects to join our mission. We will look for more partnerships and continue to evolve ourselves. We already have many other plans in development to bring new features. Therefore we don’t fear competition. It is what will drove us to be better. Also, our project is designed to be led by the community so we will welcome contributions and ideas.
Q4: So many projects just like to speak about the “long term vision and mission” but what are your short terms objectives? What are you focusing on right now?
Question by konika543
Dan Bramley: Our short-term goals are to bring value to holders with marketing, partnerships, listings, and media coverage to get the project known. As well as immediately making an impact with the charity awards. This will further the mission and bring attention to the project. Our nft designs and net-zero marketplace will also give holders a way to earn from their own work or collect and trade.
Q5: Do you have an AUDIT certificate because AUDIT is for important any project and secondly Do you have a whitepaper? if yes please share with us your whitepaper.
Question by jaifa36
Dan Bramley: Our audits have been done by tech audit, and ridiculous rhino’s. The tech audit is available on our telegram group and is an approved partner of pinksale you can see our audit badge on our pinksale listing.
Q6. Most users are still not aware of Blockchain & its related projects! So, How Your Project platform create awareness about their project with NON-CRYPTO users too?
Dan Bramley: I believe our common threat of climate change will continue to grow in the attention of all people. Furthermore, many of the charities and companies we will be working with have many members and will be aware of our project and the charity efforts. The media attention from positive impact will grow awareness. Furthermore, the rate of crypto adoption will keep rising. 100 trillion in capital markets, 11 trillion in gold, 2.3 trillion in crypto. That will change dramatically. We actually hope to inspire climate change people to join our Crypto esg revolution.
Host: Thank you so much @EBytDan for the very detailed answers!
Please share your feedback about our community and your AMA experience, Thanks