AMA Recap: The Crypto Blade x KCC

The Crypto Blade
9 min readDec 25, 2021


Host: Hello William

Welcome to The Crypto Blade Community

William: Hi Adam, and Crypto Blade Community!

It is nice to be here!

Merry Christmas!

Host: Let’s start the AMA session, Are you ready?

William: Thank you 🙂

Let’s start the AMA session

Are you ready?

First Segment: Introduction:

Host: 1: First of all please introduce yourself, Your background and share an interesting story of how you got into crypto?

Please write “done” once you complete your answer!

William: Hi Guys, I am William, the ambassador manager of the KCC(KuCoin Community Chain). Thank you for having me today

It is a great opportunity to share some of the information about the KCC and the ambassador program that we have just started

To share some of my information, I went to the Indiana University Bloomington for my Bachelor’s Degree. When I was a college student, I was exposed to crypto. Many of my close friends were heavily involved in Bitcoin and Etherium

I did not follow their path at that time as many people told me crypto was a scam and that kind of stuff. Things changed earlier this year when I get more exposed to crypto space and start to study it

I found that crypto could indeed change people’s lives. That is how I get started. Then I started my own YouTube Channel. At the present, there are more than 36k followers. That also helps me to become one of the ambassadors of KCC

Host: 2: KuCoin is a very well-known exchange and ranked top 5 in the world, Could you please tell us about the relationship between Kucoin and KCC? And also share some information about KCC Ecosystem?

William: KCC stands for KuCoin Community Chain. It is the affiliate Chain of KuCoin just like the relationship between Binance and BSC

So, KCC started with a vision to become a community-driven chain. However, one thing that people discuss the most is that the exchange’s blockchain is centralized

For instance, there are only 21 validators on BSC and 29 validators on KCC. However, what makes KCC different is that KCC has its own Decentralized Autonomous Organization — the KCC GoDAO to help achieve decentralization

In other words, even though the validators are only a few, KCC still could be decentralized. It is also because of that, KCC has one of the lowest gas fees

You will pay less than 1 cent for each transaction. Also, since there are only 29 validators, the block gets confirmed faster. That is, you can get your transaction process in a very short time

All of these property makes KCC a better chain for blockchain games. We do welcome all the gamefi project to deploy on KCC

KCC’s mainnet went live in mid-June 2021 and began operations in August, it has funded and incubated many projects

The total TVL on the KCC has surpassed the $50 million mark, and the on-chain addresses have exceeded 250,000

For now, KCC has more than 15 projects deployed on the chain and many more which will deploy on KCC in the next few months including XCarnival, VoiceStreet, OneRare, and so on.I think this is just the beginning of the tremendous growth of the KCC ecosystem.

Host: 3: Would you please share some more information about your “Go DAO Ambassador program”?

William: Yes, as I have explained. GoDAO is a very important component of KCC, to make it more decentralized

Thus, we need more people to participate in the governance of the chain. That is why we started the KCC GoDAO ambassador program.

The GoDAO ambassador is not like the normal ambassador of other projects which they only need to produce the content. The GoDAO ambassador carries the responsibility and ability to grow the chain

In 2022, we plan to build 20+ native communities around the world with people speaking different languages. There will not happen without ambassadors’ help

To share a little bit. four roles could be applied. Community builders could either become the community manager, content creator, technical ambassador, or influence spreader

We believe that with the help of the Ambassador, KCC community is only going to grow bigger and bigger

If you want to know more about the ambassador program, you can refer to this medium article

And here is the form that you can apply for it:

Host: Thanks for sharing, it's a great opportunity to become a part of KCC community.

Are there any specific requirements to join this program?

William: For different roles, the requirements are different. Some basic ones are you need to be in the crypto space for a while, and your mind needs to feel positive about the growth of crypto and KCC

For instance, Adam can apply to be the influence spreader for KCC

You guys can check this link for specific requirements:

Host: 4: What advantages do you believe you have over other competitors like BSC?

William: As I said, many exchange blockchains are accused of too much centralization. KCC wants to have a different path

That is why we have a GoDAO foundation that makes us stand out from other EVM compatible chains and exchanges’ chains

GoDAO foundation is a DAO built by the KCC community and KCS token holders. It is not a company. It does not have a management team or employees. Instead, all the KCS holders will help decide the major decisions of the chain

Any individuals, development teams, or R&D Labs can propose upgrades, token swaps, and partnerships for GoDAO. KCS token holders will vote on whether to approve or reject these proposals

To be honest, KuCoin has grown a lot this year, which they have just surpassed 100 M users globally

I am pretty confident that when the infrastructure got more polished on the KCC, both KuCoin and KCC will become one of the strongest competitors of Binance

And maybe surpass them. Who knows hahah

Host: 5: Lastly, please share with us the development progress of KCC and its expansion plan in the coming time?

William: In fact, since the mainnet went live, KCC has made a lot of progress.KCC completed its first Grant program. Although not all projects progress as community members expected, two of the Grant projects get voted by the community to continue reaching their milestones

Other than that, KCC has completed building multiple infrastructures such as KCC Bridge, Discover page, and Safe Mutisig. If you don’t know what are these products for

KCC Bridge is an official bridge developed by the KCC team. It provides them with a free and fast way to transfer assets. You heard me right that it is free to transfer your asset from BSC or ETH to KCC

Shortly, we will also speed up the pace to support more chains and assets. The link is:

Discover page is like APP store of KCC. So a lot of people are frustrated when they try to figure out what projects are available for them on the chain. They might need to take a lot of time to research that

For KCC, we developed a Discover page where you can find all the DAPP available on KCC. There are also ranking systems and comment systems to help you decide which Dapp to try out.

It is a very cool tool for beginners. As far as I know, we are the first chain that has this. You can discover it at:

Speaking of the plan for 2022, we do have much great news want to bring to everyone. But it will be remained confidential as the team is still polishing the final plan. Once it gets out, KCC will inform everyone immediately on the KCC Twitter and Telegram group.

Please stay tuned guys! 2022 is going to be big for KCC

2nd Segment: Questions from Twitter Announcement:

6: Aside from Kucoin itself, the other notable partner the KCC has is with “TokenView”. Would please discuss with us your connection and relationship with TokenView? How do the two projects work together?

Question by 0JeanWayne

William: Thank you for your question. In fact, we have developed a lot of partnerships with different kinds of projects recently such as Coin98, Anyswap, Shield Protocol, and much much more

I just cant get them all list. We will update that on the main page soon

For TokenView specifically, we have opened our API to the website that you can easily track transactions and block information of KCC on TokenView

And I do want to stress our biggest partner, from my perspective, the KuCoin Exchange

In my opinion, as long as the bridge of CEX and decentralized chain is connected, huge traffic would flow from the KuCoin ecosystem to the KCC ecosystem and form a much more powerful KCS ecosystem

It is not too late to get some #KCS

7: Are you working on any partnerships, and marketing initiatives to help build awareness for your platform?

Question by Mason53326699

William: Yes we do, if you followed our Twitter or Telegram, you will notice that we have been formed a lot of partnerships since the mainnet get lived

In 2022, we will host many events such as Hackathon, Grants competition and etc to attract more developers as well. So, please stay tuned with our chain!

The ambassador program will also help to raise awareness of KCC.

8: I’ve found out that the KCC Official consensus can support up to 29 validator nodes. Can you tell us how can we become a KCC validator node? What are the requirements to be eligible for this position and run KCC’s nodes?

Question by 0JeanWayne

William: Anyone could apply for running a validator node on KCC. All you need to do is to submit a proposal first and wait for other active validators to vote on it. After more than half of them voted, you will be eligible to become a validator

However, since the traffic on KCC is still small compared to BSC, not all validator nodes are opened yet. I would recommend you to follow our Telegram group of Twitter closely so that once the new validator node is opened, you will get a chance to become one of the nodes

3rd Segment: Live Questions from Participants

Q1: I see you have done AMA in many telegram groups. So what is next to another way that will make your project more popular? Any plan for airdrop or event to attract people in the future?

Question by Gatekeeper88

William: We will continue to do more AMAs. It is one way to raise awareness and make people notice KCC.

Since we are a Chain, there will not be airdrop from outside. But in the future, we might cooperate with projects on-chain to give out some tokens

Q2: Community support is one of the most aspects of a project’s success. Every project has programs that communicate with its users. Do you have any special plans to attract and expand the community and improve the user experience?

Question by cryptobabu23

William: Yes, that is what our Ambassador program is about. We need to expand the influence of KCC via ambassadors and the community they have built

Q3: Will your project support nft in the future or if already support. Can i send one?

Question by SejanHosean01

William: KCC does support NFTs. It is just we dont have a famous NFT market. You can trade NFTs on KuSwap NFT marketplace.

Q4: Can you give an overview of your Tokenomics, and the UTILITY of Token?

Question by CarrolEverett

William: Just like BSC, KCC shares the same token with KuCoin. KCS is the native governance token of KCC. You will need KCS to pay gas fees. By the way, KCS has gone up a lot recently, HODL it if you have any. The total supply of KCS is 200 million. But KCS has been burned constantly, and hopefully, it will be stabled around 100 million

Q5: Do you have anyany?

1- Telegram Group?

2-YouTube channel?

3- Tiktok Channel?

4- Website?

5- twitter?

For this project? From there where can I get the latest information, what social media can I follow to get the latest Your project 🙏🙏?

Question by Soryy117277

William: ● KCC Homepage —

● GoDAO —

● Snapshot —

● Medium —

● Telegram —

● Channel —

● Twitter —

● Discord —

● GitHub —

Host: Thank you so much @Williamdaigege for the very detailed answers!

