AMA Recap: The Crypto Blade x MechCraft

The Crypto Blade
7 min readDec 25, 2021


Host: Hello KY, how are you today?

Welcome to The Crypto Blade Community

KY: Feel Good.

Host: Let’s start the AMA session, Are you ready?

KY: Ready and Let move forward to the session!!!

First Segment: Introduction:

Host: 1. First of all please introduce yourself, and share some information about your team, How big is your team right now?

Please write “done” once you complete your answer!

KY: Hey Crypto Blade Community, Hope you are all having a great day! It’s 11pm here in Malaysia and Singapore or 2am here in Melbourne.
I’m KY, the supreme general of MechCraft. I’m from Malaysia and experienced in tech executive & project management. We have a few key persons on the team.
We have HJ from Australia team, he is the marketing head and he oversees all activities and communication channels that promote Mechcraft.
Our squad lead TK. He is bravo. He has 6 years of experience in games development and experiences launching interactive games portal to develop social networking games on various mobile platforms.
Our squad lead TK. He is bravo. He has 6 years of experience in games development and experiences launching interactive games portal to develop social networking games on various mobile platforms.
Our mad scientist Mega, he is in charge of the technical team and our informant KC, we rely so much on his creativity.
The game developers are mainly from Malaysia and Singapore.
I am not sure whether we consider having a small team here as in this gamefi industry working in MechCraft. We have roughly 110 people in the team, 65 of the team members are from Malaysia, 32 of team members are from Singapore and 13 team members are from Australia. Most of us have the same interest but we all have different backgrounds, experiences, ages and opinions. Purposes is to cover our blind spots! 😊
I believe strongly in my own team and trust that we can build our MechCraft World to success.

Host: 2. Can you please provide detailed information about the “Mechcraft World” project and How long you’ve been building this?

KY: We are loyal fans of block chain, in this crypto world, everything comes down to faith. We believe it will succeed. We are also super fans of tower defense games and started to discover the disciplines such as architecture, graphics, product, service, interaction, and system design. We also try to help the gamers to minimize the high gaming transaction activities.
MechCraft is a sci-fi fantasy tower defense game where you assemble your own defenders to defeat the incoming threats. This model of gaming will be off-chain, the concept of it is to save network fees. Mechcraft will reward their gamers with GUARDIAN for their gameplay quests being accomplished daily as an income stream to the gamers who seeks to gain financially while playing for leisure.
We started in early 2021 while everyone was in the locked downstage. We took a bit of time to get this officially announced on the social media channel about our presence. To be honest, we just don’t want to disappoint our followers while waiting too long on our gameplay.

Host: 3. Do you have any native tokens? If yes please share some information about its sales listings.

KY: Yes, we do have a native tokens. Gamers can earn the native token through gameplay and complete quests in the game universe.

Host: 4: Why is MechCraft NFT special? What are the utilities of these NFTs?

KY: We launch a series of creative NFTs collectible card games. Those NFTs can be rare and hard to obtain but have a higher winning probability in the game. It may also have the potential appreciation in value. It mainly depends based on speculation and scarcity. So if you got one of our rare card, the resale value could be significantly higher than its original price. Not purely it is rare, it also helps in the game play. We are running a NFT Giveaway Event which gives out 22 NFTs, and a Purchase 10 Get 1 Free event Right Now. Please Click the link for more detail:

22 NFTs Giveaway:
Purchase 10 Free 1:

Host: 5: Briefly enrich our audience about the gameplay and how to earn in this game? And when you are going to launch?

KY: Our gamified rewards are GUARDIAN, MECH, Shard, NFTs based on seasonal distribution come from various gameplay achievements. The main objective of MechCraft is that we want everyone to have fun. You will need to accomplish daily quests and try to achieve the higher ranking on the leader board. You can also earn in via Season path, trophy path, clan tournament, E-sport tournament, and our special events. MechCraft is meant to be fun. Play to Earn but firstly you need to enjoy the fun!

2nd Segment: Questions from Twitter Announcement:

6: You said that the initial cost would not be too high. However, recent games of P2E projects often require high-end computer performance. Does MechcraftWorld game require high-performance computers?

Question by jungbogo7

KY: We want everyone can play! Everyone in the world. No matter where you are from! You do not need to have a high-performance computer.
Tell you a secret, we are aiming to get the game publish to IOS. This is something we are working on.
We have done some research and the statistics show that the number of people that own a smart and feature phone is 7.101 billion, making up 89.76% of the world’s population.

7: Please provide more information on your ROADMAP. What are the most anticipated plans and events for the next few days and months that we should be aware of?

Question by JkDog8

KY: We are in the last month of the year. We are still working on our alpha release for the game test. We are creating shareable info graphics, maximizing our organic social media presence, and definitely looking into taking part in brand partnerships.
Our presale is still Live! And we are running a campaign Purchase 10 Get 1 Free pack. If you are interested, you can email
We are also having an NFT giveaway campaign, it’s to welcome the year 2022 and we hope you can start the journey to metaverse with MechCraft World.
Next month, hopefully, and fingers are crossed, we can have our beta release ready! Once all these testing has been accomplished, we will officially release MechCraft.

8: I wonder if the MechcraftWorld NFT platform is specifically for gamers? What about non-gamer users? Can they still generate income even without playing your game? If so, what are the other possible ways?

Question by bijajag

KY: As I previously mentioned, we want everyone can play! First to have fun! For casual or professional gamers, you can earn extra income with aggressive upgrade level of their NFTs to reinforce Hero, equipment, card abilities.
But if you are not a gamer, you can invest in multiple accounts, buy new NFTs, upgrade and value-adding to the NFTs which have higher value in the future. To earn the asset appreciation value. You can also hold it for long term.

3rd Segment: Live Questions from Participants

Q1:What is your sustainability plan?

Question by john_Jbwhol

KY: We have our long-term sustainability is place. If you would like to read more detailed information, you can visit our website

To summarise what we will execute, we will have token burning mechanism. There are also number of income streams of Mechcraft for their ecosystem sustainability such as premium pass and items (which will only accept MECH), the sale of starter pack & chest (we will accept eth, usdt, busd and tube 2). Soon we will have our marketplace listing which we will accept ETH, USDT, & Tube 2.

In terms of upgrading NFTs, sale of emoji, and equipment crafting, we will only accept GUARDIAN.

E-sport tournament revenue held by us will only accept MECH and GUARDIAN

Q2:Will you release any limited edition NFTs?

Question by @DEANWITTER

KY: Yes, we are aimed to release limited edition NFTs not only for collection purposes. It also can be used to increase your chance of winning in the battle.

Q3:What are clan wars mentioned in your white paper? How do they work?

Question by Kaz

KY: A clan war is a strategic battle between two clans. The main goal of attacking in a clan war is to earn a reward for your clan by winning them in battle. Rewards earned can be either GUARDIAN, MECH, Shard or NFTs. Clan wars are a weekly in-game event for MechCraft where players in a clan complete challenges to earn rewards. Rewards varies week by week.

Q4:In what way MechCraft plan to outperform its competition ??

Question by @mr_enrich_x

KY: Our mission is to constantly develop blockchain-powered metaverse games with microeconomic for rewards and gaming excitement to gamers worldwide. Our target audience is not only in the blockchain gaming space, but we also strive for getting the gamers worldwide (who can be a blockchain rookies).

ESport is one of the events on our to-do list. The size of the event ranges from small, medium, and international. Competitors are from different guilds or teams face off in the same games. We will partner up with the local gaming company started from countries such as Philippines, Indonesia and etc. When we reach the maturity stage, we will jump into a bigger tournament connecting gamers worldwide. The revenue of the E-sport tournament revenue will be split into:
60% of Esport tournament prize
30% for Mechcraft tournament setup
10% for mechcraft developer

It is challenging but it is definitely going to be fun!✊

Q5:Very little public information of MechchraftWorld project progress. Can you share the current progress of your MechCraftWorld project?

Question by Gabby Ma

KY: Our team is speeding up the game development process. We will get our alpha release before year-end. In this first phase, we will have our internal team participate to typically look for major bugs and features flaws that will stop the game from performing its intended function. Once completed, we will be moving to beta phase and invite more participants to test. The whole process is taking time, we want to ensure we have thoroughly tested it before it is released to the public.

Host: Thank you so much @MechcraftWorld_KY for the very detailed answers!



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