AMA Recap: TheCryptoBlade x 123swap Finance

The Crypto Blade
6 min readOct 8, 2021


Host: Please introduce yourself, Your background and share an interesting story of how you got into crypto?

Say “Done” when you complete your answer thanks.

Tomas Ambrazas: Well, I’m in crypto from 2013 +- :) started with mining and investing in some shitcoins :) then market dumped and I moved out from crypto :) (it was my mistake) :))) I moved to eCommerce (ahh I told you it was a mistake :))) I made a couple of businesses here in my country, then expanded to Baltic countries but all in all business was Groupon related website for many coupons and etc, and business died, but then crypto started hyping again in 2017, so it attracted my attention. So from that time, I’m all in crypto :)

Host: Can you tell us more about the team, and How big is it at the moment?

Tomas Ambrazas: It's 17 people, not all full-time yet, but more or less. The core team is IT guys who know me and I know them for 10 years +-, so we are together for a pretty long time and are still in very good relations. They are my key to success. Then I have CMO, CFO and I’m. Also, I have a couple of advisers who are one of the oldest crypto-related persons in my country with many connections. They will be in Dubai from tomorrow, so please welcome to meet them :)

Host: Do you have any plan to recruit more people with Blockchain experience to the 123swap team?

Tomas Ambrazas: At the moment our team is ready for launch and move forward. More teams will need to move faster and operating with a user base. So we will need more workers off course.

Host: Excited to know more about 123swap Finance, Can you please explain the main concept behind “123 Swap Finance”?

Tomas Ambrazas: briefly its cross-chain swap, yield platform. So mainly more blockchains, more tokens, and all in one place. That’s very briefly :) aims to become the leading decentralized finance protocol by providing better prices, faster response times, simpler procedures, and low slippage rates than any other aggregator or swap on the market.
It's our mission statement.

Maybe it will be more specific.

Host: What are the main features that distinguish you from other projects like Uniswap, Pancakeswap,, and 1Inch and what competitive advantages do you have?

Tomas Ambrazas: I think the main feature is that we building a multichain platform from begging. Uniswap, Pancake is one blockchain swap and they have no intention to change that. Multichain offers only bridge service, and not planning to do more than that. 1inch only this year started to moving to multichain purposes when saw opportunities so at this stage, they are main competitors for us. So we will fight with them regarding blockchain amount, platform usability and we will have governance and nft minting, what they do not have yet and maybe never will have it.

Host: What is your business model? I mean what other services you are going to offer to its users?

Tomas Ambrazas: Well, the platform is working so we haven't made any videos :) as you can go and test it, use it and etc. So at the moment, you can use BSC and ETH mainnet and swap, farm, stake also unstake, add liquidity and etc. So there is no need for videos. What is left is the bridge witch go live this month and hopefully this year nft minting. So all in all services will be the same, just more blockchains will be integrated.

Host: I’m curious to know about your $123swap token. Can you please give us more details about its sales and listings? What are the utilities of your token $123swap?

Tomas Ambrazas:

Tomas Ambrazas: It's our tokeneconomics
we have a private sale coming next week, a public sale most likely next month.

Token usage +- :
Bonus for holders (faster, cheaper using 123swap)
Yield farming bonus
Staking bonus
Referral bonus
Governance votes
NFT minting
Buyback program
And many more :)

Segment 2: Questions from the Twitter annoucement:

6: What is the main mission of your project #123swap, what are the actions you have taken to achieve your missions?

Tomas Ambrazas: aims to become the leading decentralized finance protocol by providing better prices, faster response times, simpler procedures, and low slippage rates than any other aggregator or swap on the market.
That is our mission statement. What we did to achieve that, we bought new servers :))) but all in all our platform is being built from 0 for this purpose. And we already developed that users could see and touch what we do now, not sometime in the future. So we building community from the very beginning.

Question by kkcryptoio

7: Can you tell us about the motivation and benefits for investors to keep the token in the long run? What plans do 123swapfinance have to help drive the demand and scarcity of the token.?

Question by Hina_970

Tomas Ambrazas: Our goal is to be real defi, so it means money should be “working”. So we want that users won't be just buyers or sellers of tokens, but users who using our token and see the benefits of using it. So its long time run purpose, to show the user that it is much better to keep token in 123swap ecosystem to “work” than to sell it or keep in the wallet.

3rd Segment: Community Round

1: NFT is really a hot topic in the cryptocurrency market now. So how is your project planning to develop NFT then how is your project planning to integrate it with Defi?

Tomas Ambrazas: Yes, i agree with that. That's why we are integrating NFT into our dex. NFT swaps, where collectors could not sell or buy, but swap, mint and etc. Like collections should be. At the moment NFT is like crypto, buy and hold. We want to change that to the real purpose for collectors usage.

2: Can you explain how is your Tokenomics Distribution? How many tokens Will be minted? And How many tokens Will be locked by the team?

Tomas Ambrazas: I think it's pretty important. All tokens are locked during launch. Only 50% of public sale tokens will be unlocked. So we will only fight with bots, by making bot prevention launch.

Q) Which do you think is more important:

A. Community
B. Investors
C. Token Price

3: If all of the above is important to you, which should come first?

A. Community
B. Investors
C. Token Price

Tomas Ambrazas: Pretty interesting question. Because community = investors = token price :) it's all equal. So there is no more or less important :)

4: Do you have any YouTube channel or website for this project? where we can learn something from this project?

Tomas Ambrazas: Simple but very important questions. All links like youtube and etc you will find on our website —

5: Which one of these aspects important for you? 1-Increasing Token Price&Value 2-Empowering Platform Development 3-Building Community Trust 4-Expanding Partnership Globally

Tomas Ambrazas: One more importance :)

Which one of these aspects important for you?

1-Increasing Token Price&Value 2-Empowering Platform Development 3-Building Community Trust 4-Expanding Partnership Globally

Again all pretty equal. If we lose token price, we lose trust :) and etc.

Host: Thank you so much @TomasAmbrazas for the very detailed answers!

I would recommend to our community please join 123swap social media channels for more updates

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