AMA Recap VOID x The Crypto Blade

The Crypto Blade
6 min readNov 24, 2021


Host: Hello Rumel Esteban welcome to The Crypto Blade community

Rumel Esteban: Hello everyone.

Thanks a lot for being here today. And thanks to the crypto blade for having me.

Host: Let’s start the AMA session, Are you ready?

Rumel Esteban:

First Segment: Introduction:

Host: 1: Tell us about yourself, what’s your background how long you’ve been in this field?

Rumel Esteban: My Name is Rumel.

I am a passionate gamer. I’ve been playing video games since I was a kid. My first computer was the Commodore64. 🤓

I have a background in Computer Science and always had a focus on game design. And to be honest, I am not a blockchain expert.

Host: 2: Can you please provide detailed information about the VOID project and How long you’ve been building this?

Rumel Esteban: I started the project with a friend around 2016. Thinking about the concept, which direction we wanted to go, and what to include in the game. I wasn’t thinking about NFT back then.

2018 I started to form a team to bring the project to another level. A lot has happened since then

Host: 3: Can you share more details about the $VOID token and its utilities within the game & outside?

Rumel Esteban: There are a few things you can do with the tokens you earn by playing:

- buy different NFT Items such as arenas/gear/weapons and loot boxes

- participate in ranked matches to earn more tokens

- buy tickets to watch battles in arenas

- create your own clan

- support your favorite gamer/clan

And of course, turn it into real money. ;)

Host: 4: Briefly enrich our audience about the main concept behind your game (Play-2-Earn) and share its main features?

Rumel Esteban: Sure, VOID is a Multiplayer PVP game.

From 1vs1 up to 5vs5.

It contains a campaign mode where you can follow a storyline and do quests and missions. You can play the campaign solo or in coop mode.

A great focus of the game is character customization. Everybody wants to look unique and stand out right? The look and feel of your character will change significantly depending on the items you equip them with.

In this game, you can watch players fight in arenas without leaving the game and moving to Twitch for example.

The NFT Marketplace will be found in-game as well.

Host: 5: Now please tell us about tradeable NFTS and its utilities?

Rumel Esteban: You will be able to earn NFTs by playing the game, or buying, selling, and trading them in the in-game marketplace.

You can show off your Items by equipping them to your character.

Owning an arena is like owning a “casino”. It will provide you with passive income by hosting matches and having other players enter your arena to watch epic battles.

2nd Segment: Questions from the Twitter announcement:

6: Your whitepaper stated that VOID acknowledges that their competitors are big blockchain games like Axie Infinity, CryptoBlades, and Plant vs Undead. What will be your strong points and advantages when your game and project are compared to these giants? How do you plan to compete?

Question by 0JeanWayne

Rumel Esteban: First of all, we are not creating another NFT Tamagotchi game like many other projects 😉

our main focus is to create an amazing game foremost for real gamers to enjoy. The P2E part should “just” be an awesome incentive.

It is the first PVP game with a huge focus on character customization, storyline, and PvE content.

Other games currently focus strongly on PVE or PVP only.

7: How important is the Community to you? and how can we collaborate or help you with the development of the project?

Question by Miraakter11

Rumel Esteban: There are many factors to create a great game.

to me, the community is the most important part.

getting feedback from the community about everything concerning the project, the mini-game (launching in a couple of months), and the BETA which will release in late 2022 by informing us about user-friendliness, detecting bugs, and of course tell their friends about it.

We do get tons of messages every day, and I am very thankful for the support we are getting so far.

We do have an interest form on our website if you have great ideas on how to support the project.

8: Does your project support the staking program? if yes, how is, your stake system work what is the requirement, for users, if they want to stake in your platform?

Question by AhmedSamna6

Rumel Esteban: We will definitely have staking.

on one side you will be able to stake the Void Token to receive or buy discounted NFT assets.

on the other side, you can also stake NFTs like Arenas for example. Staking your Arena will get you rewards from people fighting in it.

3rd Segment: Community round

Q1: Can you briefly describe your PARTNERSHIP so far and upcoming partnerships?

Question by mayabiprem

Rumel Esteban: On the investor side, we have big names like GENBLOCK, ANTIFUND, and SHIMA Capital for example.

They come along with great experience, and a huge community and are able to create huge awareness of the game.

I am glad to announce that we just onboarded Flurin Jenal.

He has great experience in bringing success to games.

His latest project “struckd” has created over 1.4 million individual games.

Of course, we collaborate with many influencers and streamers(crypto,non-crypto) around the world to help us grow our community.

Q2: I have seen that you have done many AMAs, my question is, what do you expect to get from so many AMAs, and what are your goals with the community? Do you consider the community to be a fundamental role in the project?

Question by mark8090

Rumel Esteban: As I said before, Community is key, without them this project will die quickly.

I need them to help me to create this game and of course, have them play the game!

To keep gamers playing for a long time, we will provide new seasons on a regular basis. Including new maps and new NFTs.

Q3: Which one of these aspects is important for you? 1-Increasing Token Price & Value 2-Empowering Platform Development 3-Building Community Trust 4-Expanding Partnership Globally In what order?

Question by jajakhallhakhiran

Rumel Esteban: All of them are very important. I am putting all those aspects on one level.

Number 1 is the product itself. But the most important part is that it is a great game that people enjoy playing for as long as possible.

Q4: Trust and security are very important for the project so what is the Audit status of your project?

Question by Sadaam Khan

Rumel Esteban: This is a question usually my CTO is able to answer. but we are aware of the need to tackle security issues. and as far is I know we are looking into Kudelski for auditing.

Q5: Southeast Asia is a very vibrant market and many project developed here so with your project what do you think about Southeast Asia and do you have any plan to develop here? Because, Southeast Asia is prfect place in crypto……??

Question by Raselmia090

Rumel Esteban: I am totally aware of the great market in Asia. I really wish to partner up with developers from Asia Because I am Filipino 😜

but to be honest, it is a lot easier if you work with people in the same time zone.

Host: I would recommend to our community please join VOID social media channels for more updates




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