TheCryptoBlade x DelNorte AMA Recap

The Crypto Blade
14 min readJun 17, 2022


INTRODUCTION: Hey Guys, Another AMA took place in TheCryptoBlade telegram group on 16th June 2022 at 1PM UTC and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our guests Anton Glotser (CEO of Delnorte) and Yurii Chudinov (Co-founder and CTO of Delnorte). Here’s a Recap of the AMA in-case you missed it…

Joe: 1. We’d love to get acquainted with you,
So please begin by giving us a brief Introduction of yourself and your Crypto Experience so Far. Also, tell us a little about your Team’s experience.
Please write “done” once you complete your answer!

Anton: Hi my name is Anton Glotser, I am the CEO of Delnorte.
I have been in crypto since 2017, which is also the same time I started this idea, company and project
I have been an entrepreneur all my life and have had an extensive background in all forms of real estate, including international development.

So when I first learned about NFTs I quickly realized their potential application to real asset identification, validation and preservation
I am in charge of all aspects of the company except for technology, Yuri, my good friend and CTO of Delnorte was one of the first people to join me on this project and we have been working together now for over 5 years.

Yurii: My name is Yurii Chudinov, I’m co-founder and CTO of the Delnorte Company joined to Anton in 2018 as person who wanted to help implement this project.
My experience counts about 100 different projects for 15 years. of them about 10 enterprise level projects and 3 successful migrations of legacy projects to modern technologies and cloud. My main technical specialization is software for sensitive data management from healthcare and insurance sector (HL7/HFIRE protocols) as well as banking DDBs.

However I experienced with very specific hardware projects and creating storage systems for digital assets (custodial solutions) on the Cortex/ARM7-A architecture. also I have developing DeFi-projects on SOLIDITY for the financial and banking sectors.I manage Delnorte tech team of 7 highly qualified engineers from different fields with 12+ years of experience and 10 Senior-level engineers with 8+ years of experience in projects of different complexity.

Our team covers the full development cycle in the following technology stacks
1) Microsoft Azure/ AWS level cloud platforms
2) Blockchain SOLIDITY/RUST
3) AC/CP (CAP theorem) Database Architectures
4) Back end with services-Rest Full and SOA architecture based on Microsoft .NET5/NET6 and Java/J2EE platforms
5) Windows Server 2019+ and Linux Ubuntu Server 20+ operating systems
6) embedded/Hardware, circuits, WI-Fi, Bluetooth and NFC radio protocols
7) Dev-ops with Windows Azure and system administration of Windows and Linux operating systems
8) Front-end Full-stack Angular/HTML5


Joe: 2. DelNorte, as we’ve seen is a hybrid hardware and software ecosystem. Can you tell us more about this, what are the services and solutions it renders, and how can users make the most out of it.

Anton: When ethereum first came to market, it brought with it the concept of Smart Programmable Money, which revolutionized the world of finance. With the advent of NFT, Delnorte introduces a new concept — Smart Certificate.
Smart Certificate — contains a set of data and an algorithm that allows you to implement a consensus transaction recognized and authenticated by participating parties, which can be public or private entities
Delnorte Platform — provides a single digital environment for the interaction of the community. Each participating party such as a government, business or an individual user will auto generate a consensus specifically created for each individual transaction based on the deals unique parameters

The platform consensus implements a software-hardware protocol that complements the blockchain technology with the necessary services for working in the legal field. This means with our tech we can recreate real world legislation on the blockchain. Things like a charge-back or a refund or even multiple official duplicates we can create and process just like business and government do today
We are able to integrate any public or private entity in to our system and accommodate them with their unique requirements
We have several products that we are releasing that all work in concert with each other and are connected within the same back-end office

- NFT Hub. Our NFT Explorer creator kit and management tool based on Smart Certificates
- Terra Vision. Solves the problem of managing property rights to movable and immovable property, makes it possible to jointly own real estate (fractional ownership). It also acts like a real estate / NFT search engine and marketplace
- Resource & Asset management platform aka DTV RAM. Solves the problem of tokenization of assets and resources originated on a government validated land. With this system we hope to mitigate intermediaries from the supply chain, making it possible for producers to get more profit, by having verifiable proof of origin of their products. The system can track and trace products through their supply chains cycle from producer to consumer, and its as simple as entering data in to an NFT, and then just scanning the qr/bar code on the product through every stop of the supply chain.

Yurii: Consensus protocol is a closed sub-system of ERC721 smart contacts which is hardly-wired to the individual firmware of each hardware encryption device — Conteon Emitter. The device allows to connect from 2 to 20 (by default) participants for the purpose of creating an individual signature of the deal/ transaction. Upon completion of voting Conteon Emitter compiles the transaction token into a single packet with its own signature signature and sends the agreed token to the blockchain.
The peculiarity of our hybrid protocol is that operations of creating or modifying Smart Certificate data or payment transactions in retail networks are performed exclusively through a hardwired device — Conteon Emitter. This device is a component of the hardwire security that allows the average non-crypto user to securely handle crypto assets.

Our protocol effectively complements the blockchain functionality by enabling the recovery of lost control of crypto assets within the platform and the return of cryptocurrency from fraudulent transactions within 24h-48h.
The Consensus Protocol ties the entire ecosystem of platform products into one digital space and enables it to be managed through the user’s cabinet,

Our functional architecture is not limited to just three products, but is well optimized for expansion by connecting new domains and businesses.


Joe: 3. The Token $DTV, How does it function within the platform and why is it needed.
Also we Noticed you have sales for NFTs on DelNorte, tell us how this works and what are its benefits?

Yurii: The DTV token is based on ERC20 and allows business and real value to be integrated into the crypto ecosystem and interact with Delnorte Platform services.
Each product intelligently uses a token in each transaction on the platform and is guaranteed to burn the equivalent of 1 cent + 0.05% of the transaction size in DTV tokens each transaction

We also have advanced and classic staking models that allow you to get the benefits and rewards of staking DTV token.


Joe: 4. DelNorte has been around for quite sometime now, can you tell us about the Partnerships you’ve built overtime, and at this point, would you be open to even more Partnership deals ?

Anton: Right now we are raising our 3rd funding round through a SAFT at $0.10 a coin, and after our product launch later this summer we plan to go public with our coin at $0.13 on multiple top tier exchanges

⁃ we are a chain agnostic system and are very active on strategic partnerships, we are currently collaborating with Near
⁃ our main goal now is to increase the audience in social networks, for which we hold weekly activities (join to our telegram to participate)

⁃ we attend conferences, talk about our product at important international forums, for example, we visited Davos Switzerland a few weeks ago and are planning to attend a blockchain conference in Barcelona now and in Panam in July

Over the years we have created several partnerships and received multiple contracts from both private and public entities
We have contracts with government of El Salvador & Honduras to digitize& tokenize real estate in these countries. The governments in turn recognize NFTs created via our system as official deeds / titles and the transaction of the NFT (buy/sell) on our system conveys ownership of the real asset without any further paperwork (no physical docs like in the traditional system)
We have existing MOUs and pending contracts with most coffee coops in Honduras and E Salvador, multiple large central American companies such as Caldwell Banker of Costa Rica, and much more.


Joe: 5. Finally,
What does the future hold for DelNorte, and what are some potential advancements to look forward to?
If at all possible, please share with us some achievements already made by the team.

Anton: We are looking to launch our product in the next 1–3 month (before September ideally). We hope that our technology will create wealth and security for the people, not just the people in the areas we operate but everyone. We hope to showcase how our technology can impact lives. Now when you have ur NFT certificate you will be able to take your proof of ownership of your real assets with you anywhere you go, you'll be able to store them in any crypto wallet and no one will be able to steal it or edit it without ur permission.

Just like any other NFT u can hold our NFT certificate in any wallet, but unlike all other NFTs, in our case its the NFT certificate that is stored on the blockchain or an exchange and if that is lost or stolen, an authorized body (like the government or your lawyer or other…) can recreate another certificate for you (just like you can recreate proof of ownership of real estate in real life). Also nothing can be edited on you deed or title without you permission because of how our internal certification consensus functions. Every certificate of the NFT has to be in sync or the transaction fails, thus theft or unauthorized edits of property become imposible without owners permission

We hope to impact the buisness world as well, and replace the trust between people in each other, with the trust between people and technology
Here is a list of some of our pending clients with whom we are in deep negotiations with and hope to receive a contract with in the next 6–24 month

Mexico (GDP $1T+, population 131M+)
2) Miami (GDP $357B+, population 6M+)
3) Costa Rica (GDP $61B+, population 5M+)
4) Guatemala (GDP $77B+, population 18.5M+)
5) Colombia (GDP $271B+, population 50.8M+)
6) Atlantida bank of Honduras ($3.7B+ in assets)
7) Industrial bank of Guatemala ($10.5B+ in assets)
8) G&TC bank of Guatemala ($9B+ in assets)
9) Panama (GDP $53B+, population 4.4M+)
10) Banrural bank of Guatemala ($7B+ in assets)
11) Guyana (GDP $7B+, population 800K+)
12) Brazil (GDP $1.4T+, population 215M+)
13) Uruguay (GDP $53.6B+, population 3.5M+)
14) Jamaica (GDP $14.7B+, population 3M+)
15) Bahamas (GDP $11.2B+, population 385K+)
16) Trinidad & Tobago (GDP $21.5B+, population 1.4M+)
17) Puerto Rico (GDP $106B+, population 3.2M+)
18) Cyprus (GDP $23B+, population 1.2M+)
19) Albania (GDP $14.8B+, population 2.8M+)

Yurii: On technical field :
we built biggest part of it- infrastructure in cloud and finished most complicated part of project — its Conteon Emitter device which securetise deals and make safe using crypto assets for not crypto users.

I want to say a few words about our Conteon Emitter.
Conteon Emitter combines the brand new way of creation a off-chain transaction, software and physical device is deeply integrated with smartphones to secure data exchange, and party participation confirmation in the transaction by non-digital way. The Emitter performs a remote user authorization by snapshot profile and biometric parameters is received from user smartphone.

At the moment we are preparing to release a new version of the device with even more features and performance!

In June we have got strategic partnership with Near Protocol and right now our blockchain team is working on integration Conteon Emitter with Near.
Our core team of back-end integrators is working on stabilizing two products: Terravision and Resource Management platform and in the next 2 months we will be integrating into business and government structures.
pretty soon we share some backstages of integration products in our official channels.



1. What benefits does #Delnorte company provide for Real Property owners? Unlike the ownership management services we see in daily life, what does #Delnorte promise?
Question by

Yurii: We make this procedure much faster, more transparent and cheaper and give the owner more control over their assets. and the user has the ability to perform biggest part of transactions with their assets without the involvement of third parties.

Anton: The company focuses on Latin America because this is where we have the most impact

Yurii: in the same time our Smart Certificates be recognized by Government as legislated digital documents

Anton: There is no title insurance outside of North America and parts of Wester Europe, thus many people get their land stolen up to 20% of transactions become fraudulent depending on the area


2. What is your biggest challenge during the time that you build your project? How do you feel when you overcome this?
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Not yet
We hope that our tech can solve the technical issues and create the precursor to title insurance
Thus future transactions will be seamless, automated, on the blockchain and more importantly we will get rid of most of the fraud and bullshit away from property ownership and buisness

With clear titles people who are currently unbanked and unbankable will now have clear title to their land and thus will be able to get mortgages, participate in global economy and create wealth.
We want to recreate the opportunities to create and grow wealth available to all Americans but for all of the developing world


3. How does Conteon Emitter Payment works and how do you also ensure security messures are put in place while linking nfts managing and transacting them
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Yurii: The principle of building a deal is based on the principle of 3 simple steps:

1)Deal initiation. owner of the deal making deal content and shares it to participants
2) Deal confirmation. deal participants review deal content and voting of the deal (confirm|reject)
3) Token pushback and sending built transaction. it happens automatically once last deal participant voted.

It works like non-digital consensus but over that simple digital data-exchange way between the deal participants until its full implementation (closure). According to this process, the transaction can have only 2 states — approved or rejected. At the end of completion transaction, each of the parties receives the status deal.

simplified diagram

The emitter on board has similar chips as the Ledger, but uses them differently. and encodes in each transaction as a special unique signature that is recognized by our infrastructure
The payment acceptance infrastructure is organized in such a way that transactions are delayed for some time in the wallet of the merchant (who receives the money) in case of fraudulent transactions and the subsequent return of assets to the owner in case of fraud

Similar system behavior for our Smart Certificates:
- the next generation NFT. The owner of such a certificate is guaranteed to regain control over their assets in the event of fraudulent manipulation or loss of the mobile device where the digital wallet is installed


4. According to #dtv mission on your website you said you create wealth and security for holders how do you provide this necessary amenities and wants for humans and what are #dtv utilities likes apart from creation of wealth and security?
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Anton: We create wealth and security for the people

Yurii: To this end, we have developed our Smart Certificates and hybrid consensus protocol as a basic resource for businesses and governments that use our platform

Anton: We do this by providing the technology to create and preserve wealth via a digital document that can be transported seamlessly through time and space, just like any cryptocurency

The government recognizes the NFT certificate as an official document, thus if there is a catastrophe or a change of government or some other event, the owner of the asset can always show their digital document to prove ownership and at least have a fighting chance in case of such an event

This will also change the mindset of the people, instead of leaving in a caravan to go north for greener pastures, the people knowing full well that they can create and preserve wealth at home, will more likely become better stuarts of their land and the land around them, knowing that it will be passed down to their children

Our NFT smart certificates are digital representations of real assets, validated and recognized by governments. This digital document is more valuable then any traditional paper, because owners can add unlimited datapoints to it. Thus information like electric production or consumption, water usage, local climate change and all other data points (which exist already anyways) can be gathered and monetized by the owner of the property


5. The first info displayed on your website reads “We create wealth and security for the people”. How exactly do you do this ? Are you a non profit organisation or how do you intend to profit from creating wealth for people?
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Anton: We are a comercial entity
We provide services at a very affordable price (targeted for mass adoption by developing countries that have a high rate of poverty)

Yurii: We can offer a service price lower than the market due to advanced storage technology and integration with high-tech L1-blockchain (Near protocol)



Q1. Is your project a community only for English speaking an countries or for users not of other languages?
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Anton: We are a global project, we cover now English & Spanish, but in the future plan to add other regions outside of latin & north america.


Q2. I understand that you have a digital payment system called Conteon Emitter, can you give us more details about the features and benefits of this payment system? Can we use this payment system for real life?
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Yurii: yeah you use Conteon Emitter instead of POS terminal, because it handles both crypto and fiat currency. also Emitter allows non crypto users use crypto with safe way without any software wallet.


Q3. Do you have a AUDIT certificates?
or are you working to AUDIT your project, so that the security of the project becomes more secure and reliable?
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Anton: Yes. We have a profesional law firm auditing our crypto and legal structure before we go public and we have some of the best talent in the world auditing our technology and smart contracts.


Q4. Can you list 1–3 killer features of this project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your project has that you feel most confident about?
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Anton: 1) Hardware consensus protocol
2) fastest and scallable L1 blockchain and our cloud infrastructure
3) Smart Certificaes is recognized by legal
4) we have advantage of early adopters — blockchain for business.


Q5. Nearly 80% of investors only focus on short-term token price instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us the motivations and benefits for investors to hold your tokens in the long term?
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Anton: Our tokens are connected to a real business, and our token mechanics are set up in such a way that the token is utilized within our buisness infrastructure and is not tied to the market. There is a real use case and an inflationary mechanism built in to the token. (We burn a small percentage periodically). As long as the buisness keeps growing so will the amount of user for the and the value of the coin.


Host: AMA is concluded!



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