TheCryptoBlade x Farcana AMA Recap
INTRODUCTION: Blockchain Gaming
Metaverse, Triple-A Game-Fi Metaverse battle royale with BTC prize pools
Host: 1. Please begin by giving us a brief Introduction of yourself and the team behind Farcana.
Please write “done” once you complete your answer!
Ksyusha: My name is Ksyusha, I work as a marketer. I have a lot of experience in cryptocurrency projects, but this is my first time working on such a cool project as Farcana.
We are serious about who we take on our team. Since we aim to make a cool and durable project, then professionals should work. Each of our employees has experience in cryptocurrency. All of them worked in international IT companies, marketing agencies. Also, some of our employees have international degrees and are known in the world of science. The guys from the marketing department have several higher educations and each time they take additional educational courses.
We’ve been watching the GameFi world and we’ve seen all kinds of bugs that happen, plus we wanted to make a game that would bring users not only entertainment, but also a way to make money. Most players waste money in games and this was the decisive moment to change the concept of the game world — Play and earn. Crypto-powered gaming projects suffer from one key issue: the life cycle of a token is tied to the life cycle of the project. A project will build up hype by promising a virtual world unlike anything ever seen, attracting
hundreds of thousands of dollars from excited investors who just want to play a new game. Unfortunately, many of these projects stop there. They raise funds to launch a massive marketing campaign, but their lack of an actual product prevents a steady flow of new users and limits the profitability of initial investors.
In reality, projects need to attract actual players after their product
launch, not just investors. However, due to weak product marketing,
the process of gaining an audience tends to fail, and those who got in early feel scammed as the token’s value crashes.
Host: 2. Now, The Game Farcana, according to what we’ve seen its mission is to change the benchmark of P2E games and provide everyone with the opportunity to play and earn bitcoins. Tell us how you plan to do this. Also tell us about it’s Gameplay and features.
Ksyusha: This is the coolest question, hahaha. I love bitcoins
Farcana is a 3D multiplayer role-playing game set in the metaverse. Players can experience the world in first or third-person view as they explore the surface of Mars, acquire land, upgrade their character, and participate in battle royale tournaments.
Mankind has started the process of terraforming the planet by resorting to the crazy idea of Elon Musk, creating a nuclear explosion on two opposite sides of the planet to make it habitable. Petrothermal power is now rapidly developing on Mars. Power plants support the few human colonies, with their surplus power going to bitcoin mining. Bitcoin prizes are mined on a real mining farm.
The main advantage of Farcana is first of all it’s strong economic model from where all project is starting. We name it Play to Hash model and patented this new standard in the market. It’s allowing to build deflation economic model for gamefi projects, where users can earn not only token of the project or NFT, but also can win some solid assets like Bitcoin itself for example. And in Farcana we implemented it in AAA quality high level shooter game, with nice concept of Mars colonization.
For the community and investors it’s bring more stable economy and strong long term investment perspectives.
As I already wrote, our main goal is to give everyone the opportunity to take part in the game. We are allowing to build deflation economic model for gamefi projects, where users can earn not only token of the project or NFT, but also can win some solid assets like Bitcoin itself for example. And in Farcana we implemented it in AAA quality high level shooter game, with nice concept of Mars colonization.
This is not yet on the market, which gives it global advantages over competitors.
Yes for sure, we do our best to make this economic at max integrated with real assets, because this allows us to build a long term stable economy of the project.
You can use our token in the game to participate in tournaments, now we are also finalizing additional features that can expand the use of the token in our project. We are always happy when our community offers us interesting ideas and we reward for it, so you can write to us how you would like to use our token.
Host: 3. Please give us Detailed information about your Token, Allocations trading fees Token Ticker and everything there is to know regarding Its Tokenomics.
Ksyusha: We are currently preparing a new tokenomics, so you can see it at the end of this week.
Host: 4. We also noticed you Already
Have world-Class Athletes with you. Tell us about these and how do you plan to push Farcana even farther.
Ksyusha: We are preparing a lot for you and to make it clearer for you, I will add a link to our roadmap, where you can see in detail what will happen in the next 3 months.
We also plan to enter into many partnerships over the next three months and start working hard with partners already.
Of course, we want to attract different users. We will do a big marketing campaign for different countries. Attract ambassadors. In addition, we are now entering into various partnerships, we will do co-marketing and integration.
Host: 5. Finally, can you tell us about your NFT Marketplace and your Roadmap.
Also, can you share a Bit about the Security of Farcana?
Ksyusha: We are preparing a lot for you and to make it clearer for you, I will add a link to our roadmap, where you can see in detail what will happen in the next 3 months:
We also plan to enter into many partnerships over the next three months and start working hard with partners already.
1. In the ‘media about us’ section on your Web page, there’s an article that reads “play to earn, whats wrong with it and how we can fix it” this wasn’t accessible from my end.
Can you tell us about this and how do you fix the problem ?Question by @iikingsolomon2
Ksyusha: Certainly. We want to do everything very honestly. In order to win bitcoin you have to beat real opponents. But at the same time, we will put those who play worse in one rank, who are professionals in another. To be honest to get bitcoin you only need to win and it depends entirely on you.
2. How far have you gone with your quarter 1 roadmap and don’t you on board ambassadors apart from ufc athletes
Can your Nfts be rented out.Question by @GiftOko1
Ksyusha: We are currently working on an ambassador program and we will have many ambassadors. Now we have released a mini-bot where you can win bitcoin. The first version of the game will be released this summer
3. Farcana’s mission is To become the largest decentralized gaming metaverse with millions of players who will also take part in the development of the virtual world, but how about traditional gamers, how do you plan to onboard these, what unique marketing strategies have you?
Question by @TigonFlames
Ksyusha: We are now entering into many partnerships, plus we are recruiting bloggers into our ranks. We also do PR, soon you will be able to see our marketing.
4. According to your Play to hash. BTCs placed in Tournament Prize Fund are mined on a real mining platform, what mining platform would you be using and how do you verify its real because so many scam mining platforms out there.
Question by @DSxSZN
Ksyusha: We have our own mining, which we control and develop. For this we have engineers, developers and scientists
5. What strategy will you implement to bring non-crypto-natives into your ecosystem? How do you keep a balance between developing the technology and also improving the value of your token?
Question by @JonSaylor5
Ksyusha: We will be using Twitch bloggers, they have an audience that is not crypto. We will constantly attract users, due to this, the price will keep
Q1. Do you have tutorial videos so we can get to know your project more clearly or do you have a YouTube channel or something? can you share it with us?
Question by @vanlamia
Ksyusha: I will share with you gameplay video where you can see how it’s look like
Q2. IS This Your project only for elite investors, how about others with small funds, is it open to everyone?
Question by @bihamila
Ksyusha: The project is open to everyone, we want to give everyone the opportunity to earn.
Q3. Where did you get the project name from? What does it mean to you And why did you choose this name for your project? What is your mission and vision to build this project? What do you want to achieve Through the future?
Question by @tuhonang
Ksyusha: We are serious about who we take on our team. Since we aim to make a cool and durable project, then professionals should work. Each of our employees has experience in cryptocurrency. All of them worked in international IT companies, marketing agencies. Also, some of our employees have international degrees and are known in the world of science. The guys from the marketing department have several higher educations and each time they take additional educational courses.
We’ve been watching the GameFi world and we’ve seen all kinds of bugs that happen, plus we wanted to make a game that would bring users not only entertainment, but also a way to make money. Most players waste money in games and this was the decisive moment to change the concept of the game world — Play and earn. Crypto-powered gaming projects suffer from one key issue: the life cycle of a token is tied to the life cycle of the project. A project will build up hype by promising a virtual world unlike anything ever seen, attracting
hundreds of thousands of dollars from excited investors who just want to play a new game. Unfortunately, many of these projects stop there. They raise funds to launch a massive marketing campaign, but their lack of an actual product prevents a steady flow of new users and limits the profitability of initial investors.
In reality, projects need to attract actual players after their product
launch, not just investors. However, due to weak product marketing,
the process of gaining an audience tends to fail, and those who got in early feel scammed as the token’s value crashes.
Host: AMA is concluded!